Monday, 11 February 2013

III year Digital communications bits

                                     Digital    communications


 1.The advantage of Manchester encoding is [    c ]
A) less band width requirement B) less bit energy required for transmission
C) less probability of error D) less bit duration

2. The Nyquist's rate of sampling of an analog signal S(t) for alias free reconstruction is 5000samples/sec. For a signal x(t) = [S(t)]2 ,the corresponding sampling rate in samples/sec is  10,000

3. The sampling rate in Delta Modulation is More than PCM.


1.  The minimum band width required to multiplex 12 different message signals each of band width 10KHz is [   b]
A) 60KHz B) 120KHz C) 180KHz D) 160KHz

2.  Companding results in [   c]
A)More S/N ratio at higher amplitudes of the base band signal
B) More S/N ratio at lower amplitudes of the base band signal
C) Uniform S/N ratio throughout the base band signal
D) Better S/N ratio at lower frequencies

3.  A uniform quantizer is having a step size of .05 volts. This quantizer suffers from a maximum quantization error of [     b ]
A) 0.1V B) 0.025 V C) 0.8 V D) 0.05 V

4.  Granular Noise in Delta Modulation system can be reduced by   [ c  ]
A) using a square law device B) increasing the step size
C) decreasing the step size D) adjusting the rate of rise of the base band signal

5.  Tapped Delay Line Filter  is used as a Predictor in a DPCM transmitter.

6. A signal extending over -4v to +4v is quantized into 8 levels. The maximum possible quantization error obtainable is 0.5v V.

7. The sampling rate in Delta Modulation is more than PCM.


 1.In 8-PSK system, adjacent phasors differ by an angle given by ( in degrees) [ a   ]
A) n/4 B) n/8 C) n/6 D) n/2

2.  Band Width efficiency of a Digital Modulation Method is    [ c  ]
A) (Minimum Band width)/ (Transmission Bit Rate)
B) (Power required)/( Minimum Band width)
C) (Transmission Bit rate)/ (Minimum Band width)
D) (Power Saved during transmission)/(Minimum Band width)

3.  The minimum band width required for a BPSK signal is equal to [d   ]
A) one fourth of bit rate B) twice the bit rate C) half of the bit rate D) bit rate

4. In Non-Coherent demodulation, the receiver     [      b      ]
A) relies on carrier phase B) relies on the carrier amplitude
C) makes an error with less probability D) uses a carrier recovery circuit

5. Non-coherent detection of FSK signal results in   More Probability of error

6. The phases in a QPSK system can be expressed as  0, 90, 180,270

7. The Synchronization is defined as The use of same clock to maintain the order of transmission


1.  The Auto-correlation function of White Noise is [  a]
A) Impulse function B) Constant C) Sampling function D) Step function

2. A Matched filter is used to   minimizes the probability of error

3. The bit error Probability of BPSK system is same that of QPSK.

                                                                                                                               Prepared by