Wednesday, 17 July 2013



                                        JNTUH BITS

NOTE:  Don't think that these bits only will be repeated in first mid.Prepare concepts thoroughly then solve these bits .These bits to cross check your knowledge in subject. 

                                         UNIT-1:P-N JUNCTION DIODE


 1. The depletion region in an open circuited p-n junction contains___ [a ]
(a) Electrons (b) Holes (c) uncovered immobile impurity ions (d) Neutralized impurity Atoms

2.  Cut in voltage for Ge diode is approximately _______ V [ a]
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.6 (c) 1.1 v (d)1.0

3.  The reverse saturation current in a Pn diode [ c]
a) Increase b) decreases c) remains constant with increase of bias d) remains same

4.  The reverse saturation current for a Si diode varies ( T is temperature) [ d]
a) T3 b) T2 c) T d) T1.5

5.  The equation governing the law of the junction is __________

6. The area at the junction of p-type and n-type materials that has lost its majority carriers is called the [d ]
A)   n- region B) p- region C) breakdown region D) depletion region


1. The straight line through the quiescent operating point having slope corresponding to the ac load resistance is load line

2. Expression for the diffusion capacitance cD in terms of Lp & Dp is Lp2/Dp*g

3. The Depletion layer capacitance is the capacitance associated with REVERSE BIASED   p-n junction diode.

4. The depletion region penetrates more into the LIGHTLY DOPED region.

5. The forbidden energy gap for germanium is 0.72ev

6. In a PN-Junction, the region containing the uncompensated acceptor and donor ions is called Depletion region

7. When holes leave the p-material to fill electrons in the n-material, the process is called Diffusion

                                                                                                        Prepared By


Tuesday, 16 July 2013


                                                      CONTROL SYSTEMS

                                                            JNTUH BITS   

                                                      UNIT-I: Introduction

NOTE:  Don't think that these bits only will be repeated in first mid.Prepare concepts thoroughly then solve these bits .These bits to cross check your knowledge in subject. 

 1. The principle of homogeneity and Superposition theorem is applied to [a ]

(a) Linear Time Invariant System (b) Non Linear Time variant system
(c) Linear Time variant system (d) Non Linear Time Invariant system

2.  Any physical system which does not automatically correct for variation in its output is called [a]
(a) Open loop (b) closed loop (c) unstable (d) stable

3.  Transfer function of a system is defined as [ b  ]
a) ratio of Laplace transform of input variable to the Laplace transform of the output variable when all initial conditions are zero
b) ratio of Laplace transform of output variable to the Laplace transform of the input variable when all initial conditions are zero
c) Laplace transform of the output variable when all initial conditions are zero
d) Laplace transform of the input variable when all initial conditions are zero

SECTION-II: Fill in the blanks

1.      The elements of a mechanical rotational system are  J,B,K

2.      The transfer function of a feedback control system is  G(s)/ [1+G(s) H(s)]

       3.An example of closed loop system is  Air Conditioner or Microprocessor based traffic control system


                                 UNIT-II:  Transfer function Representation

1.  The equation based on which a Signal Flow Graph is drawn must be [    c  ]
(a) Differential Equations (b) Algebraic equation (c) Algebraic equation in the form of cause- and effect relations (d) Differential Equations in the form of cause- and effect relations

2.  The shape of rotor in control Transformer is [   b  ]
(a) Drag cup (b) cylindrical (c) Toothed rotor (d) Dumb-bell

3.  In a 2Φ AC servo motor , the rotor has a resistance ( R) and reactance ‘X’ , Torque -speed characteristics of the servo motor will be linear provided that ______ [   a ]
(a)X/R<<1 (b) X/R>>1 (c) X/R=1 (d) X2 = R

4. Synchro is a/an   [ c]
(a) Frequency transmitter (b) Electronic rectifier
(c) Electromagnetic transducer (d) Electro mechanical device

5.  In Masons gain formula Δ is calculated as [ A]
a) 1-(sum all individual loop gains) +(sum of gain products of all combinations of 2 nontouching loops)-(sum of gain products of all combinations of 3 nontouching loops)+……….
b) 1+(sum all individual loop gains)+(sum of gain products of all combinations of 2 nontouching loops)+(sum of gain products of all combinations of 3 nontouching loops)+……….
c) (sum all individual loop gains)+(sum of gain products of all combinations of 2 nontouching loops)+(sum of gain products of all combinations of 3 nontouching loops)+……….
d) (product all individual loop gains)-(sum of gain products of all combinations of 2 nontouching loops) +(sum of gain products of all combinations of 3 nontouching loops)-……….

SECTION-II: Fill in the blanks

1.      The functional operation of the system can be visualized more readily by examining the Block diagram than by examining the physical system itself.

       2.Mason’s gain formula is  __________


                               UNIT-III: TIME RESPONSE ANALYSIS

1.  An on-off controller is [C ]
(a) P controller (b) Integral controller (c) Non linear controller (d) PID controller

2.  Damping is proportional to _____________ [ D ]
(a) Gain (b) 1/Gain (c) √ (gain) (d) 1/√ (gain)

3.  The time response T is an indicative of     [ a]
a) how fast the system tends to reach a final value b) how slow the system is
c)how fast the system output decays to zero value d) the system’s steady state behavior

4.  A large time response corresponds to a     [  a ]
a) sluggish system b) faster system c) overdamped system d) underdamped system

5.Knowledge of the transfer function is necessary for the calculation of [b ]
a) time constant b)output for a given input c) order of a system d)none of these

6. A PID controller is an [c ]
a) Proper integral derivative control b) Parameter Intermediate defined control
c) Proportional Derivative control d) Pulsating Interval dependent control

SECTION-II: Fill in the blanks:

        1. The formulae for steady state error by using dynamic error co-efficient

  Ess=K0 R (t) + k1 R1 (t) + k2/2! R11 (t) +….

        2. Delay time, Td=  (1+0.7ζ)/ωn

      3. Static error Coefficient  method cannot give the error if the input is other than standard input.

      4.For a second order Differential Equations if the damping ratio is unity then the poles are

    Equal & same

      5. In proportional control, the actuating signal is  proportional to the error signal.

      6. The time required for the response to reach and stay within a particular percentage of final value is called Settling time

     7. The inverse laplace transform of the transfer function of a system is its  impulse response

      8. The  steady state error constants describes the ability of a system to eliminate steady state errors.

      9. Steady state error for a unit ramp input for a type-0 system is infinity



1.  The starting points for root loci. are [a ]
(a) Open loop poles (b) closed loop poles (c) Open loop zeros (d) closed loop zeros

2.  In Routh Hurwitz’s criterion, if all the elements in one row are zero, then there are [c]
 (a) All the roots lies in LHS (b) Lies in RHS
(c) Pair of conjugate roots lies on Imaginary axis (d) insufficient data

3.  A control system is stable if [a ]

a) all the roots of the characteristic equation has negative real parts
b) all the roots of the characteristic equation has positive real parts
c) any root of the characteristic equation has negative real part
d) any root of the characteristic equation has positive real part

4.  If there are repeated roots of the characteristic equation on the jw-axis, the system is [d ]
a) conditionally stable b) oscillatory c) stable d) unstable

5.  The roots of the characteristic equation are the same as the poles of the [a ]
a) closed loop transfer function b)open loop transfer function
c)forward path transfer function d) none

6. The technique which gives transient response quickly as well as stability information is [d ]
a) Nyquist plot b) Routh-Hurwitz criteria c) Bode plot d) Root locus

SECTION-II: Fill in the blanks:

1.      The routh’s stability criterion gives information only Absolute  stability of a system but fails to indicate the  Relative stability of a system.

2.      Root locus diagram can be used to determine Relative stability.

3.      The root loci of G(s) H(s) =k(s+1) (s+3)/s(s+2) (s+6) no of asymptotes of 1

4.The angle condition of an open loop Transfer function is  G(s) H(s) =+ (2q+1) 180, q=0, 1, 2,…

5.The no of poles lies at the origin of open loop Transfer function is called as________
6.The root locus is Symmetrical about the real axis

                                                                                     Prepared By


Friday, 12 July 2013

JNTUH R13 Regulation new Syllabus

                                                    B. TECH. (ECE)
                                   R13 course structure

                                               I YEAR

1.      English
2.      Mathematics – I
3.      Mathematical Methods
4.      Engineering Physics
5.      Engineering Chemistry
6.      Computer Programming
7.      Engineering Drawing
8.      Computer Programming Lab.
9.      Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry Lab.
10.  English Language Communication Skills Lab.
11.  IT Workshop / Engineering Workshop
1.      Mathematics - III
2.      Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
3.      Switching Theory and Logic Design
4.      Electrical Circuits
5.      Electronic Devices and Circuits
6.      Signals and Systems
7.      Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab.
8.      Basic Simulation Lab


1.      Principle of electrical engineering
2.      Electronic circuit analysis
3.      Pulse and Digital Circuits
4.      Environmental Studies
5.      Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines
6.      Digital Design using Verilog HDL
7.      Electrical Technology Lab.
8.      Electronic Circuits and Pulse Circuits Lab.

1.      Control Systems Engineering
2.      Computer Organization and Operating Systems
3.      Antennas and Wave Propagation
4.      Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
5.      Analog Communications
6.      Linear and Digital IC Applications
7.      Analog Communications Lab.
8.      IC Applications and HDL Simulation Lab.
              III YEAR I SEMESTER
1.      Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
2.             Open Elective:
                                    Human Values and Professional Ethics
           Disaster Management
           Intellectual Property Rights
                 3. Digital Communications
                 4. VLSI Design
                 5. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
                 6. Digital Signal Processing
                  7. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers lab
                  8. Digital Signal Processing Lab.

             IV YEAR I SEMESTER
1.      Management Science
2.      Microwave Engineering
3.      Computer Networks
4.      Cellular and Mobile Communications
Elective -I:

1.      Digital Image Processing

2.      Multimedia and Signal Coding

3.      Object Oriented Programming through Java

Elective -II:

1.      Television Engineering

2.      Optical Communications

3.      Embedded Systems Design

1. Advanced English Language Communication Skills Lab,

2.      Microwave Engineering and Digital Communications Lab


Elective –III:

1.      Satellite communications
2.      Biomedical instrumentation
3.      Artificial Neural Networks
\ Elective –IV:

1.      Telecommunication Switching Systems and networks
2.      Radar systems
3.      Network security
Elective -V:

1.      Wireless Communications and Networks
2.      Digital Signal Processors and Architectures
3.      RF Circuit Design

  Industry Oriented Mini Project


Major Project

Comprehensive Viva